Thursday, June 28, 2012


its wearing raunchy clothes
it's sleeping with that stupid boy
its feeling upset and not knowing why 
its losing too much weight
its dancing your face off at the block party
its texting till you fall asleep
its being that hoe that you hate
its dyeing your hair pink
its wearing excessive make-up
its tattoos and ciggarettes
its having 9 skirts
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and 12 pairs of shorts
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Tumblr_m1wgrbihh31rnogngo1_500_largeLido59n3jts_large Tumblr_m3ddbj0mgl1qbwiabo1_500_large
and 15 pairs of leggings
Tumblr_m397snq3g91qbwiabo1_500_large Tumblr_l22bv46tn61qa53bzo1_500_large Tumblr_l942fondoe1qcvt0eo1_500_large 320159_213884632010447_174083252657252_624038_2070457941_n_large  Tumblr_lh2zd9askc1qa9i9wo1_500_large  Tumblr_m07ls6o82i1qdxavqo1_500_large
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Tumblr_lv9eouyyj41qcegzdo1_500_large  Tumblr_m42pf11lcp1qa9o8bo1_1280_large
its having 10 girls hate you
cause you're fucking gorgeous xx
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Tumblr_m4kncjykpd1rsu11to1_500_large  1328469469938_f_large  Tumblr_lniatzsojv1qgbtvs_large_large
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xx its 18 xx


Diana S.T. said...

thanks for the follow on GFC, we can also follow on bloglovin and facebook if you want to... let me know ok!

Confused Soul said...

ahh some 18 :D

Unknown said...

great post! hope we can follow each other :)

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Patty said...

Hi Cortni, I am a school nurse transferring from a middle school to high school and am interested in what you have to say. I commend you for sharing your thoughts and having a blog. Please help me understand high school students because I want to be the best high school nurse and help empower students to be their best!

Aliza said...
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Aliza said...

Sounds wow <3 I`m gonna be 18 in March and after reading this,I just can`t wait :D xox